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22 May 2006

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13 Oct 2006

这个 This
Zhe ge

几个 a few
Ji ge

Nv sheng


08 Oct 2006

I am back.
我回來了 (traditional)
Wo3 hui2 lai2 le
我(wǒ)回(huí)来(lái)了(le) (simplified)

Mid-autumn moon cake
zhōngqiū yuèbǐng


18 Apr 2006

I have a Chinese question for you, if you have time.

It's about the structure 只差没(有)-- what does this mean?  I think it's something like... the only thing he didn't do, or "almost to the point of"??





只差没(有) can be roughly translated to "except (pronoun) didn't..." zhi只=only, 差cha=lack or with a difference of, 没mei=don't have somthing. This phase is followed by an action phase. That is you need to put a phase with a verb without a subject (noun). In your example,

example: he is too hungry that he emptied all the dishes, except he didn't eat the plates (direct translation => the only difference is that [he] didn't eat the plates together [with the food]).

Notice after 只差没, you have an action 把盘子也吃下去 (eat the plate too). In this case, you cannot say 盘子也吃下去 only, you have to use 把 and say 把盘子也吃下去. Because "把(noun)吃下去" makes it an action to a subject (盘子in this case). Other examples are like, 他能拿到999元, 只差没拿到一千元, 他99分都能考到, 只差没考到一百分, etc. As you see in the sample sentence, if you use the action 吃chi1 in the first clause, you need to use chi1吃 in the second clause. Also notice this 只差没 phase expresses a sense of remorse or regret that you failed to achieve something.

question: how did he earn his Nobel prize?

Usually I would answer things like "He worked hard for his research and achived ABC that earned him his Nobel prize." But if I need to use 只差没, I would say, "He has received so many titles, except the Nobel prize." (but this answer wouldn't make sense with the question, because the question is a "How" question)

So with the info from you, I would say
他拿這麼多名銜, 只差沒拿到諾貝爾獎。

諾貝爾獎 = Nobel prize, this chinese name is more commonly used in Chinese communities


13 Apr 2006


Japanese Japanese Pronunciation Chinese Chinese Pronunciation Reference
豊臣秀吉 toyo tomi hide yoshi 豐臣秀吉 feng1chen2xiu4ji2

( zhong1ri4 jia3 wu3) zhan4zheng1 shi1bai4 , tai2 wan1 ge1rang4 gei3 ri4ben3。
( 第二次世界 )大戰勝利,台灣重返中華民國。
( di4 er4 ci4 shi4 jie4 ) da4zhan4 sheng4li4 , tai2 wan1 chong2fan3 zhong1hua2min2guo2。

12 Apr 2006


11 Apr 2006

Bill: はじめまして、ビル(びる)と申(もう)します。
Asako: はじめまして、麻子(あさこ)です。
B: ご専門(ごせんもん)は何(なん)ですか?

B: やあ。ぼくはビル(びる)。でも、ビールは飲(の)まない。

11 Apr 2006


#1 wasn't right. The problem is: if 小群 exists => 大我 doesn't exist. These two things cannot co-exist, because the parenthesis suggested: 只要小群觀念存在就不可能建立大我意識. So I would say the opposite of what you have written. 小群觀念一天不削弱(weaken), 大我意識就一天不可能建立.
#2 didn't make sense to me, but it should be grammatically correct. Try to see if this maks sense to you in English. The way you wrote it, it went, "As long as I borrow money from the bank, I would not want to pay any interest." But it is not just when we borrow money, then we don't want to pay interest. We don't want to pay interest all the time, no matter we borrow money or not. So I would write 跟銀行借錢一天,就得付一天利息. 我可不想多付利息. (As long as I borrow money from the bank, I have to pay interests. I don't want to pay more interests than I need to.)
#3 minor errors(chinese's yes/no is different--->) ,住在大城市里势必跟很多陌生人打交道。if you don't have 要yao in there, it doesn't sound right. You can use 是shi, but dui sounds better.
#4 -> the meaning is kind of tricky. I see why you would have thought the answer should be what you have written(grammatically looks fine). But you wrote things that are contradicting. You wrote "Old novels emphasize on cause and effect as well as creativities, so the topics of cause and effect are reduced." Well, I don't see how can you emphasize cause and effect and reduce the topic of cause and effect. I would write: 舊小說為了強調因果報應, 相對地忽視了獨創新意. (Since old novels wanted to emphasize on cause and effect, they ignored creativities)
#5 I am sorry, but this line cracked the hell out of me. 低能=idiot or mentally retarded, and you essentially wrote: female social status always has been idiot, this is all because of old social/traditional thinkings. You could have written 妇女的社会地位一直很低, 归咎于旧社会的传统思想 (but it sounds weird) so better yet, 妇女的社会地位一直很低 , 這都归咎于旧社会的传统思想
#6  is okay.

21 Mar 2006

Lydia Lyrics (PDF)

20 Mar 2006

Word Meaning
Cynic a faultfinding captious critic, esp. one who believes that human conduct is motivated wholly by self-interest
Put your money where your mouth is Make a bet on what you said.

9 Mar 2006

Where Zellerbach Hall Is


Week 9 Four Articles with Phrases and Vocabularies (PDF)

Phrases for Week 9 Articles    
Bill's comment Official English Definition (Electronic Dictionary) Official Chinese Meaning ( Chinese Pronunciation Article Chinese Character (Simplified)
bu4ke3=cannot, mo3mie4=wear out, mo4=to grind, mie4=disappear 1.indelible 2.indelibility 磨灭:消失。永远消失不了。指事迹言论等将始终保留在人们的记忆中 bu4ke3mo2mie4 台通婚 不可磨
ti2=cry, xiao4= laugh, ie1fei1=both false, the whole thing means you don't know whether to cry or laugh 1.not to know whether to laugh or cry; to choke someone up 啼:哭;皆非:都不是。哭也不是,笑也不是,不知如何才好。形容处境尴尬或既令人难受又令人发笑的行为。 ti2xiao4jie1fei1 啼笑皆非 啼笑皆非
yi1jiao4=compare once, gao1xia4=high and low. It means fight and see who is better N/A N/A yi1jiao4gao1xia4 啼笑皆非 高下
This word sounds like a phrase, but I have never heard of this. It does not exist in my dictionaries. Ge2=to separate by distance or interval, cha4=the difference. I THINK it means after an interval or 3 or 5, then you do something again repeatedly. N/A N/A ge2san1cha4wu3 啼笑皆非 隔三差五
Phrase looking, but I don't think this is a phrase. Shi2guan1=time, dao4=backward, liu2=flow. Time flowing back, go back in time N/A N/A shi2guang1dao4liu2 港台 光倒流
You hear this a lot, and I thought this is a phrase. Duo=lots, cai3=color, zi1=appearance. Lots of colors and appearances. N/A N/A duo1cai3duo1zi1 国人 多采多姿
zheng3qi2=tidy, hua4=standard or uniform. 1.uniform N/A zheng3qi2hua4yi1 国人 划一
  1.festively singing and dancing; all singing, all dancing 边唱歌,边跳舞。形容尽情欢乐。 zai4ge1zai4wu3 国人
Non-Phrase Vocabularies for Week 9 Articles
English Chinese Pronunciation Article Chinese Character (Simplified)
hu4=shanghai上海, tai2=taiwan台湾 hu4tai2 台通婚
Get married, usually means marriages between two people from different countries tong1hun1 台通婚 通婚
you hear this a lot in China, the politicians also claim gai3ge2kai1fang4. gai3ge2=to revolte, kai1fang4=to open (for trading_) gai3ge2kai1fang4 台通婚 改革开放
An American Guy. Lao3 is a vulgar man. A name with a sense of disrespect mei3guo2lao3 啼笑皆非 美国佬
bing1=soldier, zhe3=person, gui3=to cheat, dao4(here means logic or a principle), ye3=old day to finish a sentence with a noun, will use ye3. ye3 here is similar to desu in Japanese. bing1zhe3, gui3dao4ye3 啼笑皆非 兵者,詭道也
to inspect and learn from each other's work, to observe and emulate guan1mo2 啼笑皆非
This is a bad way of using this word, you usually don't use it like this. You usually say sa1shou3jian3撒手, which mean your strongest or secret weapon. Sai1shou3 alone can mean let go, and is often used to say someone died sa1shou3 啼笑皆非 撒手
suo1shui3=to shrink. Suo alone means to shrink, shui3=water. This is usually referred to clothes shrinks after washing. I laughed when I read this because this is quite colloquial. suo1shui3 港台沪
lift the anchor of a ship qi3mao2 韩国人 起锚


9 Mar 2006


shi1en1施恩 means "to bestow favor" according to the dictionary, according to me, it is just doing someone a favor. shi1en1 is quite literal, you don't say it often. But when you use shi1施 or to give, people will think of 施比受更有福(shi1bi3geng1you3fu2), which is a phrase that means "giving is better than receiving, and you will be more fortunate because of that". When you use 恩en1 or favor, people will associate en1 with yuan4怨, which is resentment, the opposite of en1.

en1yuan4恩怨 is a word, means "feeling of gratitude or resentment" according to the dictionary. According to me, it just means the good and bad things between two people that make them love/hate each other.
You use en1yuan4 like this, 我和他的恩怨不是这么容易说的清楚的。
wo3he2ta1de5en1yuan4bu2shi4zhe4me5rong2yi4shuo1de5qing1chu3de5. (this is the most common phrase I can think of) Like 轻重qingzhong or 高低gaodi, 恩怨enyuan is talking about a measure of a quality.

wang4望=xi1wang4希望 or hope. 不望 = not hoping for something
报bao4 = bao4da2报答, to repay a kindness, or to treat someone well because that person has done you a favor.
施恩不望报shi1en1bu4wang4bao4 is commonly used to praise others for being nice to others and not hoping for returns.

For this second one I got mixed results such as "with little intention" and "give heart to someone" so now I am doubly confused.

I don't know where"with little intention comes from. But 以心想许yixinxiangxu is giving your heart to another person, which means a complete trust. I think what the metaphor implies is the same in English. You give your heart to another person, what does it mean to you in English? That should be what it means in Chinese. You will find this word in romantic novels, an example from an actual love story would be 以心相许是一种灿烂的情感升华。 (灿烂can4lan4 = glorious, 情感qing2gan3 = emotion, 升华sheng1hua4=to sublime)

28 Feb 2006

English Chinese Pronunciation Chinese Character (Traditional) Chinese Character (Simplified)
(fail everything on a test) gua4hong2deng1   挂红灯
occupational disease zhi2ye4bing4 職業病  

24 Feb 2006

Phrases in the 教室里的春天jiao4shi4li3de5chun1tian1 Article (PDF)

Bill's comment Official English Definition (Bill's Electronic Dictionary) Official Chinese Meaning ( Chinese Pronunciation Paragraph Chinese Character (Simplified)
common phrase, chen2mo4=silence, gua3=little,few, yan2=speaking, or spoken words N/A N/A chen2mo4gua3yan2 3 沈默寡言
  hard to believe; beyond belief; implausible; inconceivable; incredible; unbelievable 不容易相信。 nan2yi3zhi4xin4 3 难以置信
ke3xiang3=can think, er2zhi1=and know be obvious can well imagine
不用说明就能想象得到。 ke3xiang3er2zhi1 3 可想而知 murmur to oneself; to murmur under one's breath
喃喃:连续不断地小声说话。小声地自己跟自己说话。 nan2nan2zi4yu3 3 喃喃自语
  1.absent-minded; inattentive; preoccupied (with something else)
2.vacancy; absence of mind; preoccupation
心思不在这里。指思想不集中。 xin1bu4zai4yan1 3 心不在焉 tremble with fear (or fright); to shake with terror; to be in a blue funk
2.with fear and trepidation; with a shuddering awe; with the most meticulous care; cautiously; gingerly; warily
战战:恐惧的样子;兢兢:小心谨慎的样子。形容非常害怕而微微发抖的样子。也形容小心谨慎的样子。 zhan4zhan4jing1jing1 4 战战兢兢
blushing N/A 形容感情激动或害羞的样子。亦作“脸红耳热”。 lian3hong2er3chi4 8 脸红耳赤 object to; to disagree; not to approve
3.disapprovingly; deprecatingly
然:是,对。不认为是对的。表示不同意或否定。 bu4yi3wei2ran2 12 不以为然
  to suffer from one's own actions; to ask for the trouble N/A   12 自找麻烦
any skills you possess to solve a problem, common phrase N/A N/A hun2shen1jie3shu4 12 混身解数
xiong2xin1=great ambition, zhuang4zhi4=strong goal N/A 伟大的理想,宏伟的志愿。 xiong2xin1zhuang4zhi4 15 雄心壮志

Non-Phrases Vocabularies in the 教室里的春天jiao4shi4li3de5chun1tian1 Article (PDF)

English Chinese Pronunciation Paragraph Chinese Character (Simplified)
cast or throw a pen zhi4bi3 1 掷笔
gloomy; dismal; depressed; lugubrious yin1yu4 1 阴郁 perform some job only to meet the minimum requirement stall someone off; to fence with; to fob off; to shuffle; to boggle
tang2se4 6 搪塞
to hesitate; to dither about; to hold back (from sth.) chou2chu2 9 踌躇
Helen Keller hai3lun2hai3le4 12 海伦凯勒
1.pleasingly unconventional or unusual; fancy; picturesque
2.original; fresh; new; novel
bie2zhi4 14 别致
a man of your eminence gui4ren2 14 贵人
a cash gift, a red packet during Chinese new year hong2bao1 14 红包
(zi4dong4=automatic, zi4fa1=self-initiated) zi4dong4zi4fa1 18 自动自发
to die young zao3yao1 18 早夭
a snub nose; a pug nose; a flat nose ta1bi2zi5 20 塌鼻子
a pock (I think it generally refers to anything on your face, acne or pimples) dou4dou4 20 痘痘
God, Heaven (common saying, exact meaning kind of differs) lao3tian1ye2 20 老天爷
(shang1xin1=heart broken, yu1hui4=be silted up, be dirty. Not common, and I didn't know yu1hui4) shang1xin1yu1hui4 20 伤心淤秽

Phrases in the 赚钱还是读书zhuan4qian2hai2shi4du2shu1 Articles (PDF)

English (Parenthesis is Bill's comments) Official English Definition (Bill's Electronic Dictionary) Official Chinese Meaning ( Chinese Pronunciation Paragraph Chinese Character (Simplified)
(Money is not omnipotent, but without money you can't do anything) N/A N/A jin1qian2bu4shi4yi1wan4neng2de5, dan4mei2you3jin1qian2yi1yi4bu4neng2 1 金钱不是万能的,但没有金钱万万不能
(firewood, uncooked rice, oil, salt, generally means necessities. You hear phrases like: Her family is so poor, she always needs to worry about chai2mi3you2yan2) N/A 泛指一日三餐的生活必需品 chai2mi3you2yan2 2 柴米油盐
(pot, bowl, wooden ladle, basin, not common at all, I guess it refers to utensils you use everyday) N/A N/A guo1wan3piao2pen2 2 锅碗瓢盆
(zhong4shuo1= everybody says, feng1=a lot of different, yun2=say, together is: everybody says a lot of different opinions) Opinions are widely divided 纷纭:多而姑乱。人多嘴杂,议论纷纷。 zhong4shuo1fen1yun2 3 众说纷纭
(ge4=each, zhi2=take, yi1=one, ci2=word. Everyone takes one (different) word (or opinion), and doesn't agree with each other) .Each sticks to his own version or argument. 执:坚持。各人坚持各人的说法。形容意见不一致。 ge4zhi2yi1ci2 3 各执一词
(bi4men2=shut the door, du2shu1=study. Shut the door to concentrate on studying. N/A 关起门来在家里读书。原意是独自学习,而不与别人切磋。后也用以形容专心埋头苦读。 bi4men2du2shu1 4 闭门只读圣贤书or 闭门读书
(I don't know why they use zhen4zhen4, but this is a commonly used phrase. you3ci2=have words(to say)) .to speak argumentatively; to speak plausibly and at length; to assert eloquently 理直气壮的样子。形容自以为理由很充分,说个不休。 zhen4zhen4you3ci2 4 振振有词
(socialism) socialism N/A she4hui4zhu3yi4 4 社会主义
(duo1lao2=work harder, duo1de2=get more) more labor, more benefits; more pay for more work; One who does more work will get more pay N/A duo1lao2duo1de2 5 多劳多得 or 多劳多得,少劳少得,不劳不得
(xiang2an1=both in peace, wu2shi4=no issues or no conflicts) live in peace with each other peace with each other
相:互相;安:安稳。指彼此相处没有什么争执或冲突,还过得去。 xiang1an1wu2shi4 5 相安无事
(when I heard this phrase, usually it has positive meanings, meaning everyone lives together in harmony. You say this phrase during chinese new year) to keep on good terms with everyone at the expense of principle; to keep on the right side of everyone; to be full of goodwill toward one another 本指态度和霭可亲。现也指互相之间只讲和气,不讲原则。 yi1tuan2he2qi4 5 一团和气
(You hear this a lot, I was surprised this was not in the dictionary. This means you are the only one getting all the benefits) N/A N/A du2ling3feng1sao1 5 独领风骚
(sometimes you use this to describe weather, and is commonly used to describe things (problems, issues, people relationships) change quickly and suddenly. shun4xi1=a brief period of time, wan4bian4=ten thousand changes) to vary from minute to minute


瞬:一眨眼;息:呼吸。在极短的时间内就有很多变化。形容变化很多很快。 shun4xi1wan4bian4 5 瞬息万变 (风云=wind and cloud)
(feather of phoenix, horn of unicorn. something rarely exist) N/A 凤凰的羽毛,麒麟的角。比喻珍贵而稀少的人或物。 feng4mao2lin2jiao3 6 凤毛麟角
(millionaire)     bai3wan4fu4weng1 6 百万富翁
(educated people)     you3shi2zhi1shi4 6 有识之士 or 有知识的人士

Non-Phrases Vocabularies in the 赚钱还是读书zhuan4qian2hai2shi4du2shu1 Articles (PDF)

English Chinese Pronunciation Paragraph Chinese Character (Simplified)
vulgar, in poor taste su2qi4 2 俗气
be restricted to a narrow confine (very not common, I didn't know this word) you4yu2 4 囿于
surging, raging, tempestuous xiong1yong3 4 汹涌
beeper (beeper is the official definition, I strongly believe this is mainland Chinese. I have never heard of this word before) BP ji1 4 BP机
(someone messaged him, but little mobile device. Not a mobile phone) you3ren2chuan2hu1ta1 4 有人呼他or 有人传呼他
suddenly mo4ran2 4 蓦然
hurricane xuan4feng1 4 旋风
to roll up like a mat xi2juan3 4 席卷
(professional household, mainland Chinese, not common. In China, a family is considered as a hu4kou3, if you own a private business, you are ge4ti3hu4.) zhuan1ye4hu4 4 专业户
[Informal] profiteer; wheeler and dealer (This is the official definition, but I honestly have never heard of this word.dang1=to be (somebody)) dang1dao3ye2 4, 6 当倒爷
(narrow, kinda literal) xia2ai4 5 狭隘
(I don't consider this as a phrase, but it could be. you1sheng4=good one wins, lie4tai4=bad one lose) you1sheng4lie4tai4 5 优胜劣汰
contrast fan3cha1 5 反差
(I have never heard of others using this word, but jie1xiao3=announce, make something publicly known) jie1xiao3hui4 6 揭晓 or揭晓会
bright and beautiful; radiant and enchanting ming2mei4 8 明媚

Words not in the Readings

English Chinese Pronunciation Chinese Character (Traditional) Chinese Character (Simplified)
a two-part common expression whose last part is omitted; a tag line xie1hou4yu3   歇后语


Word Meaning
A cappella (Italian) vocal music or singing without instrument accompaniment.

17 Feb 2006

English Chinese Pronunciation Chinese Character (Traditional) Chinese Character (Simplified)
(Bitch) san1ba1   三八
mean, despicable, vile man bei1bi5xiao3ren2   卑鄙小人
mean, despicable, vile bei1bi5wu2chi3 卑鄙無恥 卑鄙无耻
  xian1tian1xia4zhi1you1er2you1 hou4tian1xia4zhi1le4er2le4   先天下之忧而优, 后天下之乐而乐
(Social value of old novels) jiu4xiao3shuo1de5she4hui4jia4zhi2   旧小说的社会价值


Word Meaning
Storge  (STORE-gay) Loving attachment and nonsexual affection; the type of emotion that binds parents to children
Agape (AH-gah-pay) Selfless love' a kind of love that is similar to generosity and charity
Philia (FEEL-yuh) Friendship love, which is based on liking and respect rather than sexual
Eros The kind of love that is closest in meaning to the modern-day concept of passion

16 Feb 2006

不得不爱 bu4de2bu4ai4 (HTML) | [PDF]

童话 Tong2Hua4 (HTML) | [PDF]

10 Feb 2006

童话 Tong2Hua4 (HTML) | [PDF]

English Chinese Pronunciation Chinese Character (Traditional) Chinese Character (Simplified)
(Taiwan Chinese input method) zhu4 yin1 注音  
(Taiwanese Singer) guang1 liang2   光良
Fairy Tale tong2 hua4   童话

9 Feb 2006   

Laura Schedule

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8   class   class  
10     tutoring class  
11       tutoring  
12 class   class   class
1   class   class  
2   off campus tutoring    
3   until 5:30 class    
4 class        

8 Feb 2006

English Chinese Pronunciation Chinese Character (Traditional) Chinese Character (Simplified)
(The way to health) jian3 kang zhi dao4 健康之道  
(blow your nose) xing3 bi2 ti4   擤鼻涕
block up zu3 se4   阻塞
When the old man on the frontier lost his mare, who could have guessed it was a blessing in disguise? sai1 weng1 shi1 ma3 yan1 zhi1 fei1 fu2 塞翁失馬,焉知非福 塞翁失马焉知非福
An acupuncture point xue4 wei4 穴位  

07 Feb 2006

English Chinese Pronunciation Chinese Character (Traditional) Chinese Character (Simplified)
(a historical figure, probably a fictional one) yang2 ji3   扬戟
Begger qi3 gai4   乞丐
Leeks jiu3 cai4   韭菜
Leeks Sprouts jiu3 huang2   韭黄
Leak Mustard jie4 cai4   芥菜
Taros, Sweet Potato yu4 tou2   芋头
Sweet Potato, Yam Bean di4 gua   地瓜
Helicobacter Pylori you men2 gan3 jun4   幽门杆菌
Lettuce wo ju4   莴苣
Lappa niu2 bang4   牛蒡
Dioscorea polystachya Turcz, D. batatas Decne, D. oppositifolia L., D. opposita auct shan1 yao4   山药
to deposit small sums of money every month and draw out both the principal and interest in a lump sum when the specified time comes up ling2 cun2 zheng3 fu4 零存整 零存整付
(A few is better than none) liao2 sheng4 yu2 wu2   聊胜于无
Activities huo2 dong4   活动

06 Feb 2006 (Whatever in parenthesis is Bill's comments)

English Chinese Pronunciation Chinese Character (Traditional) Chinese Character (Simplified)
Convulsions, a spasm, a cramp jing4 luan2 痙攣 痉挛
Laura Sue xiao yan3 le4 蕭衍樂 萧衍乐
Recreation (Activities to kill time) xiao qian3 消遣 消遣
Tannic Acid dan ning2 suan 單寧酸 单宁酸
Tannin (As I understood it, it is the same thing as Tannic Acid) rou2 suan 鞣酸 鞣酸
  bai3du3bu4qin1 百毒不侵  


Word Meaning
Epidemiology branch of medicine which deals with possible control of diseases and factors relating to health
meddle interfere

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