URO Fall 2004
8 Sep 2004
Attached is the
LabVIEW programs. Without the hardware, you cannot run the program, but you can
still look at it. LabVIEW evaluation version can be run for 15 min, after that
it will close automatically. Then you have to start it again.
the Raman spectroscopy system is from this company
The motors are from this company
DLL and LabView 05 Sep 2004
2004 EECS Research Summary
Contents of Chapter 4: Integrated Circuits
CMOS Multi-Mode Linear/Efficient Power Amplifier
Gang Liu
(Professors Ali Niknejad and Tsu-Jae King)
Analog Devices
The recent explosion in consumer applications for radio frequency (RF) and
wireless systems has resulted in an extensive research and design effort to
develop low-cost implementations of RF integrated circuits. CMOS technology has
played an important role in providing higher functionality and complexity at low
costs. The single-chip RF transceiver, implemented by low-cost commercial CMOS
technologies, is a good solution for these devices mentioned above. RF receiver
circuits, such as low noise amplifiers, mixers, and voltage-controlled
oscillators have been reported in the integrated forms [1]. Recently, a fully
integrated non-linear CMOS PA has been shown [2].
Modern communication systems employ spectrally efficient modulation schemes
which require linear PAs. Backward compatibility with existing networks require
efficient non-linear PAs. However, successful demonstration of a fully
integrated linear power amplifier has been one of the major holdups preventing
the implementation of a single-chip next generation wireless system.
Our research proposes to design a multimode fully integrated CMOS power
amplifier capable of switching between linear class A/AB operation for next
generation wireless systems and high efficiency class F operation to allow
backwards compatibility of current standards.
The integration of Si active devices with advanced micromechanical (MEMS)
devices on one chip is considered the next step for communication systems. This
research will investigate SiGe MEMS technology to implement post CMOS processing
to obtain high qualify, fully integrated passives to further improve the
performance of PAs.
Luke Lee, Ph.D., UCB
Assistant Professor, Bioengineering
Associate Director, Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center
Contact Information:
Office: 455 Evans Hall
Box/Mail Code: MC 1762
Email: lplee@socrates.berkeley.edu
Telephone(s): (510) 642-5855
Fax: (510) 642-5835
URL: http://biopoems.berkeley.edu

Gang Liu
PhD student in EECS
research interests: Analog RF IC, MEMS, integrated technology
advisor: King
email: liugang@eecs
phone: 510-642-1010
country of origin: P.R. China
previous degrees: BE in Engineering |
Liu, Gang's home
Luke Lee: New DNA Detectors Bridge the (Nano)Gap
By David Pescovitz
Printer-friendly version
A bio-nano breakthrough at UC Berkeley may someday lead to devices that diagnose
disease, detect evidence of bioterrorism, and aid in the discovery of new drugs.
Most impressive though is that these devices, based on a DNA-sensing chip in
development at Berkeley, will fit in your pocket.
Bioengineering professor Luke Lee, co-director of the Berkeley Sensor and
Actuator Center, and his students recently demonstrated a tiny chip that
instantly identifies DNA by its electrical properties.
Already available DNA microarrays, or "gene chips," enable the analyses of DNA
samples to identify biological substances. The silicon or glass chips are
embedded with tens of thousands of different fragments of DNA whose double helix
structure has been separated into single strands. Each bit of reference DNA
consists of a specific sequence of bases - the four letters that spell out the
genetic code- that are unique to a particular disease or biomaterial the user is
attempting to identify.
The sample-of-interest is also separated into single strands and then introduced
onto the chip for analysis. Because certain letters in DNA always connect to
specific other letters, the sample will only bind, or hybridize, with its
complementary strand. By detecting which reference fragment the DNA sample binds
most tightly to, the user can identify the DNA in question. The hassle though
comes in trying to detect when the DNA strands bind, or hybridize.
"Most DNA detection systems are based on optical detection," Lee says. "You have
to label the DNA with a fluorescent molecule, excite it with a laser, and then
detect the fluorescence."
Not only is that process time-consuming, Lee explains, but the optical apparatus
is bulky and expensive.
Lee's approach is to replace the optics with electronics. Using novel
nanotechnology batch-fabrication techniques, Lee creates polysilicon chips
riddled with nanogap junctions, chasms just 50 nanometers wide. Immobolized
within each nanogap is a single strand of reference DNA. A voltage is then
applied across the nanogap and a measurement is taken of the capacitance, the
ability of the conductors to store charge. The capacitance is determined by the
dielectric (insulating) property of the material in the nanogap, which changes
as a result of hybridization.
"Then you add the sample DNA and measure the difference after hybridization,"
Lee says. "You look for a complementary match based on the electrical signal."
Currently, Lee and his team are working to improve the sensitivity of their
device. The next step in the research, he says, is to design a nanofluidic
system, essentially nanoscale plumbing, the control the flow of the DNA samples
through the nanogap junction arrays.
"Our work," Lee says, "is really at the interface between solid state
electronics and soft state biopolymers," molecules formed by living organisms.
04 Sep 2004
URO project index
Bioengineering URO Project
Professor Luke Lee
455 Evans Hall
*Biomedical Polymer Opto Electro Mechanical Systems
We are developing a novel microsystem that combines
biocompatible polymer micromachining technology,
nano- and microfluidics, optoelectronics, single photon
avalanche-diodes, and active micro-optical control
devices to realize stand-alone µ-laser induced
fluorescence (µLIF) microsystems, µ-confocal imaging
arrays (µCIA), and integrated near-field optical
microfluidic devices (INFOMD) for ultra sensitive
bioassays with single-molecule detection sensitivities.
The hybridization of biocompatible polymer
micromachining technology, microlasers, active
biomimetic microlens, waveguides, and single photon
avalanche-diodes would enable critical capabilities of
microsystems for total bioanalysis. The hybrid bioassay
microsystems could be used for analyzing biological
samples for the detection of single DNA molecules,
subcellular organelles, or neurotransmitters.
Qualifications: Dedicated spirit with basic background in chemistry and