HW3 Design Rule Minimum
06 Feb 2006
9 Feb 2006
emacs hw3.sp&
.lib '/home/ff/ee141/MODELS/g25.mod' TT
.param vddp=2.5
.param ln_min=0.24u
.param lp_min=0.24u
.param l_drain=0.6
.param arean(w)='(w*l_drain*1p)'
.param areap(w)='(w*l_drain*1p)'
.param perin(w)='((w*1u)+(l_drain*2u))'
.param perip(w)='((w*1u)+(l_drain*2u))'
VDD vdd 0 'vddp'
I 0 in 1u
M1 out in vdd vdd pmos l='lp_min' w=1.204u
M2 out in 0 0 nmos l='ln_min' w=0.36u
.ic v(in)=0
.meas t1 trig v(in) val=0.0001 cross=1 targ v(in) val=1.25 cross=1
.meas t2 trig v(in) val=1.25 cross=1 targ v(in) val=2.5 cross=1
.options post=2 nomod
.tran 0.1ns 10ns
hspice hw3.sp >! hw3.out

From the transcient graph, use I=C(dv/dt) on the input voltage curve to find
the input capacitance.