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HW1/Lab1 Circuit Simulation with HSPICE

19 Jan 2006

% cat RTLinv.sp

Simple RTL Inverter

.include ‘~ee141/MODELS/npn.mod’


VCC vcc 0 5
VIN in 0 PULSE 0 5 2NS 2NS 30NS 60NS

RB in base 10k
Q1 out base 0 NPN
RC vcc out 1k

*extra control information---------------------

.options post=2 nomod


.TRAN 1ns 30ns
.DC VIN 0 5 0.1


% hspice RTLinv.sp >! RTLinv.out

 ****** HSPICE -- V-2004.03 (20040116) 07:59:51 01/19/2006 solaris
Copyright (C) 2004 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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This program is protected by law and is subject to the
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Use of this program is your acceptance to be bound by this
license agreement. HSPICE is the trademark of Synopsys, Inc.
Input File: RTLinv.sp
lic: FLEXlm: v6.1g
lic: USER: billhung HOSTNAME: cory.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
lic: HOSTID: 80c49828 PID: 19751
lic: Using FLEXlm license file:
lic: /share/instsww/synopsys/Univ_Tools/adm/license.dat
lic: Checkout hspice; Encryption code: 9D63921728E3C8C946A3
lic: License/Maintenance for hspice will expire on 28-sep-2006/2005.09
lic: 1(in_use)/50 FLOATING license(s) on SERVER

.include '/home/ff/ee141/models/npn.mod'
.model npn npn bf=100 is=1e-17 re=20 rc=75 rb=120 cje=20ff cjc=22ff cjs=47ff
+ vaf=50v

* netlist
vcc vcc 0 5
vin in 0 pulse 0 5 2ns 2ns 2ns 30ns 60ns
rb in base 10k
q1 out base 0 npn
rc vcc out 1k

*extra control information
.options post=2 nomod

* analysis
.tran 1ns 30ns
.dc vin 0 5 .1
Opening plot unit= 15

1 ****** HSPICE -- V-2004.03 (20040116) 07:59:51 01/19/2006 solaris
simple rtl inverter
****** operating point information tnom= 25.000 temp= 25.000
***** operating point status is all simulation time is 0.
node =voltage node =voltage node =voltage

+0:base = 50.0001n 0:in = 0. 0:out = 5.0000
+0:vcc = 5.0000

**** voltage sources

element 0:vcc 0:vin
volts 5.0000 0.
current -5.0000p 5.0000p
power 25.0001p 0.

total voltage source power dissipation= 25.0001p watts

**** resistors

element 0:rb 0:rc
r value 10.0000k 1.0000k
v drop -50.0001n 5.0000n
current -5.0000p 5.0000p
power 2.500e-19 2.500e-20

**** bipolar junction transistors

element 0:q1
model 0:npn
ib -10.0000a
ic 21.0000a
vbe 50.0001n
vce 5.0000
vbc -5.0000
vs -5.0000
power 105.0001a
betad -2.1000
gm 425.7523a
rpi 2.569e+17
rx 120.0000
ro 4.166e+17
cpi 20.0000f
cmu 11.2332f
cbx 0.
ccs 16.9744f
betaac 109.3834
ft 2.1593m

Opening plot unit= 15

***** job concluded
1 ****** HSPICE -- V-2004.03 (20040116) 07:59:51 01/19/2006 solaris
simple rtl inverter
****** job statistics summary tnom= 25.000 temp= 25.000

total memory used 157 kbytes

# nodes = 8 # elements= 5
# diodes= 0 # bjts = 1 # jfets = 0 # mosfets = 0

analysis time # points tot. iter conv.iter

op point 0.01 1 7
dc sweep 0.03 51 132
transient 0.03 31 142 37 rev= 7
readin 0.03
errchk 0.01
setup 0.00
output 0.00
total cpu time 0.21 seconds
job started at 07:59:51 01/19/2006
job ended at 07:59:52 01/19/2006

lic: Release hspice token(s)

% awaves &
    //and open RTLinv.sp, click Transient: simple rtl inverter -> Voltage -> in, out

Open a new panel for the DC waveform by clicking on Panels/Add. Return to the Results Browser or reopen by clicking Tools/Results Browser. Click on DC: Simple RTL Inverter and repeat part f) to view the DC waveforms.

Transform the RTL gate into a NMOS inverter with a passive load

A model for the MOSFET must first be obtained. Replace npn.mod with scmos.mod in the .include line of the your netlist and save as MOSinv.sp.

Edit MOSinv.sp by replacing the BJT with a MOSFET in your netlist.

Delete: Q1 out base 0 npn
Replace with: M1 out base 0 0 NMOS L=2u W=100u