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EE 141 - HW2

1 Feb 2006

Using SPICE, generate the family of curves for a NMOS transistor with the
following parameters.
W/L = 1.0u/0.25u
Sweep VDS from 0V to 2.5V in 0.1V increments
VGS = 0V, 0.5V, 1V, 1.5V, 2V, 2.5V
VBS = 0V, -0.5V


    % hspice hw2.sp >! hw2.out
    % awaves&


HW2 NMOS IDS vs Vgs Curve

.lib '/home/ff/ee141/MODELS/g25.mod' TT

* Circuit
*               1---------------1
*               |-                |
* 2---(M1)--|-3           (Vds)
*(Vgs)       |-0              |
* --------------0----------------
* Netlist
.param x=0

*M<name> <drain> <gate> <source> <bulk> <model> <geometry>
M1 1 2 0 3 NMOS W=1.0u L=0.25u

Vgs 2 0 DC 2.5V
Vds 1 0 DC 2.5V
Vbs 3 0 x

*Extra Control Information
.options post=2 nomod

* Analysis

.DC Vds 0 2.5 0.1 sweep Vgs 0 2.5 0.5
.alter Vbs 0 -0.5

